Legal Notes

This page contains important information about the website, copyright ownership. Please read the following carefully.


G&G Granvillano di Granvillano s.a.s. P.Iva 01868630854 C.F. and registration number CL-104343 of the Register of Companies of Caltanissetta

COPYRIGHT © 2019, G&G Granvillano s.a.s.

All rights reserved. All rights reserved. All rights to this work are reserved pursuant to applicable law. All rights to the databases are reserved. Translation, adaptation, processing, reproduction by any means (including electronic storage), in whole or in part, of all material contained in this site are reserved for all countries. Reproduction, publication and distribution, in whole or in part, of all the material contained in this site, including framing, similar means of reproduction and, in general, digital storage are expressly prohibited in the absence of a written authorization of the company G&G Granvillano s.a.s., without prejudice to the rightful entitlements. The contents of this site (including, but not limited to, the text, logos, icons, images, graphic elaborations, sounds, computer programs, databases) as well as the way in which the contents are presented and formatted (graphic layout) are the exclusive property of the company G&G Granvillano s.a.s., and are protected by Italian and international laws protecting copyright. If, unintentionally, material subject to copyright or in violation of applicable laws has been published, users are requested to notify the company G&G Granvillano di Granvillano s.a.s., which undertakes to immediately remove from its electronic archives the material made in violation of copyright laws, as soon as it becomes aware of the violation itself.


Other names mentioned, of products, services or companies, may be registered trademarks of their respective owners. They are protected by Italian and international copyright laws.


Information contained on Granvillano may contain technical inaccuracies, omissions, or typographical errors. The available documentation, including documents that can be reached directly or indirectly by links, constituent elements and related graphics are provided "as is," without warranty for defects and/or faults that may prevent and/or limit their use. The company G&G Granvillano s.a.s. also reserves the right to make changes, without notice and at any time, to these notes and methods of use, services, products and/or programs described in this site. In addition, it does not guarantee that the documents are free of errors, viruses, and/or other prejudicial content, any expense for any repair and/or correction remaining the responsibility of the user. The user agrees to release the company G&G Granvillano di Granvillano s.a.s.from any possible claim, damage, direct or indirect liability for the use of this site.zi or companies, may be registered trademarks of their respective owners. They are protected by Italian and international copyright laws.

FINAL CLIENT in this Site, offers a service exclusively aimed at the final consumer, for whom all products for sale on the site are intended. By "final consumer" we mean a natural person who purchases for purposes unrelated to his or her business or professional activity, if any.

For the consumer customer, the products are covered by the legal guarantee of conformity (equal to two years) pursuant to Articles 128 et seq. of the Consumer Code.
Pursuant to Article 132 of the Consumer Code, the seller is liable when the lack of conformity becomes apparent within two years of delivery of the goods. The consumer forfeits his or her rights under the legal warranty if he or she fails to report the lack of conformity to the seller within two months from the date he or she discovered the defect.

DISCLAIMER publishes information on its site in order to provide a service to its customers, however, it disclaims any responsibility regarding the possibility of any technical or factual inaccuracies and/or typographical errors for which immediate correction is provided, following a report. may correct, or even simply update, in whole or in part, these Conditions, whenever it deems it necessary or even, at its sole discretion, simply appropriate, without giving prior notice. You are required to abide by the terms set forth in these Terms, and you are also required to periodically check this page for any changes to the Terms, which will become binding on you immediately. disclaims any liability relating to any malfunctions related to the deactivation of cookies in the user's browser.

ITALIAN LAW , declares that the site is governed by the current legislation of the Italian State. does not guarantee in any way that the content of the site complies with the regulations in force in other countries. Therefore, access to the site from countries where the contents present, may be considered illegal is expressly prohibited. Those who knowingly violate these directions subject themselves to the legal consequences and penalties arising from non-compliance with local laws. For any legal disputes, the Court of Gela shall have jurisdiction.

The site is governed by the current legislation of the Italian State, and in particular by Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (Consumer Code) and subsequent amendments.
With regard to the competent Court in case of disputes, in relations with Consumers, pursuant to art. 66-bis D.Lgs. 206/2005 (Consumer Code) the territorial jurisdiction is imperatively attributed to the Court of residence (or domicile) of the Consumer.

The Consumer residing in Europe is informed that the European Commission has established an online platform that provides an alternative dispute resolution tool. This tool can be used by the European Consumer to non-judicially resolve any dispute relating to and/or arising from contracts for the sale of goods and services entered into online.
Accordingly, if you are a Consumer established in Europe, you may use such platform for the resolution of any dispute arising from the online contract entered into on this site.
The European ODR platform is available at the following link:

"GRANVILLANO adheres to the code of ethics of the Italian Electronic Commerce Association available at the following link:"

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